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Ira Marvin Levin (1929 - 2007)

was an American novelist, dramatist and songwriter. He attended New York University, where he majored in philosophy and English, and from where he graduated in 1950. After college, Levin wrote training films and scripts for radio and television. He was also aimed at writing playbooks. Lots of his script had been adapted into movies, and rewarded with twice Edgar Awards and Oscar Awards.

  Levin's best-known play is Deathtrap, which holds the record as the longest-running comedy-thriller on Broadway and brought Levin his second Edgar Award. In 1982, it was made into a film starring Christopher Reeve and Michael Caine.

  Stephen King has described Ira Levin as "the Swiss watchmaker of suspense novels, he makes what the rest of us do look like cheap watchmakers in drugstores." Chuck Palahniuk, in Stranger Than Fiction: True Stories, calls Levin's writing "a smart, updated version of the kind of folksy legends that cultures have always used."



  美國科幻懸疑作家史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)曾形容艾拉·萊文是「懸疑小說界的瑞士鐘錶匠,他的存在令我們其餘人看起來都像是雜貨鋪裡的廉價修表工。」 《搏擊俱樂部》的作者,美國小說家恰克·帕拉尼克(Chuck Palahniuk)在他的作品集《比虛構更離奇:真實故事集》(Stranger Than Fiction: True Stories)中稱艾拉·萊文的作品是「那些在不同文化中,常見民間傳說的精妙升華版。」

stopher Reeve)和英國國寶級演員麥可·凱恩(Michael Caine)主演。此次演出的作品《死亡陷阱》(Deathtrap)是他最廣為人知的作品,也是百老匯歷史上上演時間最長的驚悚戲劇。而《死亡陷阱》也贏得他人生中第二座愛倫坡獎盃。1982年,《死亡陷阱》被拍攝成電影,由因在電影《超人》中扮演超人一角而聞名的美國演員克里斯多福·里夫(ChriChristopher Reeve)和英國國寶級演員麥可·凱恩(Michael Caine)主演。


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